Mobilier design années 70 et 18ème

" Après l’avoir défini avec vous, il cherchera ce qui correspond à vos attentes et vous enverra une photo et une description. Sa recherche sera dans tous les endroits adaptés : ventes aux enchères, professionnels, … "

Dominique de Paillerets, may help you to find the object of your dreams.

" Dominique will look for the object which meets your expectations previously defined with you ; he send you a photo and a description. His search will be carried out in all the appropriate places: auctions, professionals, ... "

Dominique de Paillerets, helps you to find the object of your dreams.

Mobilier design années 70 et 18ème
Design 70's

Search of furniture and piece of art.

Make an appointment

Amateur of Abstract painting ?

(Illustration: Jacques Germain, 1963)

Call on Dominique to find a painting, a piece of art or a piece of furniture that will complete your collection or find the place that has been waiting for it for a long time in your interior.

Often long, this service is invoiced up to 25% HT of the purchase price.